Step 1: After review all the athlete's registration, Click "Checkout Payment" button in the system.
*Please ensure the athlete registration for the whole team was all done before make your payment.
Payment will not affact video submission, you can still modify the video links after the pay.
But the athlete who has been paid will not able to delete. If the information is incorrect, you should ask OC to modify.
Step 2: Review all athlete's information and price on the page.
*If your athlete used to be G1 1-3 place in WT poomsae competition,
or previous Poomsae Lover Poom/Dan divison's champion. Please contact OC for making discount.
Step 3: Review the team's postal address on the page. That is to ensure the souvenir / medals could be sent to the correct address.
If you did not update the postal address, please click Team info button on the left and correct it.
Step 4: If there is any of our regional partner available in your area, It will automatically display in the page. And you can contact them to finish the payment. It's recommend to do by this way.
You can also finish your team's payment through PayPal. By click the paypal button on the bottom of the payment page.
If you do not have a PayPal account, You can Finish the Payment by click the Card organizations below the PayPal Account.
For example, if you have a Visa card, Click the Visa logo, and it will guide you to finish the payment.
If none of the above option is available for you, please contact OC's WhatsApp on the index page.